Saturday, February 14, 2015


Got some nail polish on sale after Christmas that was meant for stocking stuffers. Set of 4 L.A. Polish colors- on sale for $1.50... I'll take it!
Felt like doing something relatively simple, so here we are. Of course, I did this the Thursday before Valentines day, and didn't realize until today I should have taken advantage of the heart theme... Oh well, at least they've got some red? Not that it matters, I just enjoy themed nails. Can you tell I miss college with theme parties ever few weekends?  Anyway, here are my theme-less but nice nails:


My hand looks kind of funky in this picture... but I decided I wanted to get both hands in it. Which I did by balancing my phone on a pile of books to get it high enough, and using the 10 second timer mode to get my hands positioned. Which is why they're not arranged that perfectly, but are they ever, really? I need to figure out the best way to do this nail photography... that doesn't involve a light box, that just seems like too much work.

<3 Laura <3

P.S. Sophie's having some technical difficulties posting pictures, but I hear she's got a post coming soon!

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