Thursday, October 23, 2014

This is Halloween!

Alright I know I'm still a little early, but it's Halloween season anyway.  Halloween nail art is maybe my favorite.  Which is why I did the 'ol different design on every nail this week.

The thumb is supposed to be a haunted house... it's not great, and the photo doesn't capture it perfectly, but I tried.  On the pinky I tried a fun sorta drape lines of gooey polish over dry pain after poking at it a while to make it gooey method to make it look like drops of blood or something.  Didn't work that well, but it's a tough technique, I have to play around with it more.  

I've been wanting to try the whole putting pictures from the newspaper on your nails technique for a while... and when it was getting late and I was tired, I decided to give it a try on my right hand.  It called for rubbing alcohol, which I didn't have, but I kept googling till I found someone who said I could use white rum- I bought some ages ago and it's been sitting in the pantry over a year (I'm not actually much of a drinker...)   Here is a description of the technique
I was actually planning on doing it for all of the nails, but it didn't really work on a few- including the thumb (supposed to be a mummy of some sort) but I decided it was good enough and I was tired.  the Day of the dead mask, and jack-o-lantern print worked pretty well, and I did a quick witch and then a pretty sloppy crossbones on the pinky.  What can I say, out of 10 original nails, I only feel great about 7 or 8.  If you're upset, come by and I'll give you some candy.  Or maybe just some candy corn nails like I did last week.  
Happy Halloween!

<3 Laura <3

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